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Nebraska Spina Bifida is a network of adults and children living with spina bifida and the families, friends, and medical professionals who support them.

Nebraska Spina Bifida has been serving individuals with spina bifida and their families since 1983.

We are a 501c3 non-profit service organization and donations are tax deductible.

Our Mission:

To foster and promote the rights and well-being of all people with spina bifida.


Our Board of Directors:

Our Board of Directors is made up of individuals with spina bifida, parents and grandparents of children with spina bifida, and medical professionals who provide care to  our members.  All our board members are volunteers.

Nia Karmann – President & Adult Representative

LeAnn Karmann – Vice President & Social Committee

Stephanie Bushman – Secretary & Young Adult Representative

Mary Lynne Bushman – Treasurer

Colleen Beatty – Board Member

Logan Finn – Board Member

Sandy Houser – Board Member

Amanda Gillham – Board Member/ Social Committee

Debra Jauken – Board Member/ Social Committee

Cyndy Potter – Board Member

Building a stronger Nebraska family by family.